The Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations has expanded its Study & Devotional Guide on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. In addition to snapshots into each of the goals through the lens of Matthew 25, the second edition of the guide also includes biblical reflections from mission co-workers and global partners serving around the world.
The ideas fly around the circle as delegates from nine countries and 12 Presbyterian and Reformed denominations respond to an Action Plan for the next two years. We are on the island of Curaçao, in the eastern Caribbean Sea, at the biennial meeting of CANACOM — the Caribbean and North American Council for Mission.
One of the marks of Presbyterianism is that we are a “connectional” church — that is, our congregations are connected through presbyteries that are connected to synods and to our General Assembly. In some profound ways, our “being connectional” is a way of practicing “being church” — sharing our gifts, talents and resources as well as our sorrows and pain.