총회 사무국 Office of the General Assembly 허버트 넬슨 목사 THE REVEREND DR. J. HERBERT NELSON, II 총회 정서기 STATED CLERK OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY 이는 한 아기가 우리에게 났고… Read more »
War lives on in the pain of its survivors and their families long after the violence ends. Members of a Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) peace delegation saw the pain in the eyes of more than a dozen South Koreans who were forever changed by the impact of the massacre at No Gun Ri.
A Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) peace delegation will travel to South Korea in November in response to Overture 12-01 and Committee Referral 12-13 that focus on the reunification of the Korean Peninsula and the need to build upon the increasing momentum toward peace. They were adopted at General Assembly 222 (2016) in Portland.
White supremacy raised its head and occupied a weekend of the news. We are reeling as a nation from President Trump’s cursory statement that failed to aggressively condemn the existence of the alt-right and their promotion of vitriolic racial rhetoric and white supremacy. No longer can we make statements of denial that racial hatred and bigotry are isolated occurrences in our society.