New words are added to the Merriam-Webster dictionary on a regular basis. Often times these are words we hear but are not quite sure of their meaning. “Intersectionality” is one of those words.
Por conteo a mano alzada, una gran parte de los/as asistentes a la plenaria de Big Tent el viernes por la tarde (7 de julio) indicaron que al menos habían leído Waking Up White por Debby Irving, un libro sobre el privilegio blanco recomendado a la iglesia por las Co -Moderadoras de la Asamblea General, Jan Edmiston y T. Denise Anderson.
세인트 루이스 – 금요일 오후 빅텐트 전체 회의 (7월 7일)에 참석한 사람들 중 상당수는 총회 공동 총회장인 Jan Edmiston 과 T. Denise Anderson 목사의 추천으로 백인 특권에 관한 책인 Debby Irving의 Waking Up White을 읽었다고 손을 들며 응답했다.
By a show of hands, a large portion of those attending a Big Tent plenary Friday afternoon (July 7) indicated they had at least read Waking Up White by Debby Irving, a book about white privilege commended to the church by General Assembly Co-Moderators Jan Edmiston and T. Denise Anderson.