The COVID-19 pandemic is encouraging new ways of giving among Presbyterians. Teachers, nurses, physical therapists, small business owners, professors, technology workers, lawyers and older people on fixed incomes are giving faithfully to their churches and worshiping communities during this challenging time of virtual church.
In 2014, a year before Madison Presbyterian Church’s 200th anniversary, Jill Wiest and I volunteered to see what information we could find to enhance the celebration. After looking through many old files we wondered if we had found everything—after all, there are many nooks and crannies in our 1846 church building. What about that old safe in the small room off the kitchen that had been the pastor’s study in the 1800s?
Presbyterian Youth Triennium registration is still underway, with a May 31, 2016 early-bird registration deadline approaching for the July 19-23 event held on the campus of Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana.