hurricane irma

‘We will be fine’

The modest little stone chapel sits on a hilltop overlooking Centro de Actividades Nacionale Iglesia Presbiteriana-Reformada (CANIP), the national camp and conference center of the Presbyterian Reformed Church in Cuba (IPRC). The scene is one of devastation.

Despite Hurricane Irma damage, Presbyterian mission at Cuban camp continues

The modest little stone chapel sits on a hilltop overlooking Centro de Actividades Nacionale Iglesia Presbiteriana-Reformada (CANIP) – the national camp and conference center of the Presbyterian Reformed Church in Cuba (IPRC). On this day it overlooks a scene of devastation.

Presbiterios se preparan para el Huracán Irma

Mientras el Huracán Harvey todavía estaba en el suelo en Texas, el Programa Presbiteriana de Asistencia en Desastres (PDA) estaba preparándose para la próxima gran tormenta, el Huracán Irma. PDA ha estado ocupado continuamente con tormentas catastróficas en las últimas dos semanas.

Presbyteries brace for Hurricane Irma

While Hurricane Harvey was still on the ground in Texas, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance was preparing for the next big storm, Hurricane Irma. PDA has been busy with back-to-back catastrophic storms in the past two weeks. On Wednesday, the Category 5 Irma, packing winds of 185 mph, tore through the northern Lesser Antilles and Virgin Islands, as well as Puerto Rico. PDA has been in constant communication with communities in its path.