hands and feet

Beautiful feet carry the good news

A delegation representing the Niger Mission Network (NMN) saw beautiful feet in Niger — many of them — during a recent 13-day partnership trip hosted by the Evangelical Church in the Republic of Niger (EERN). Participants learned some of the ways the good news of Jesus is proclaimed by Christian brothers and sisters in a country where the majority of its citizens are Muslim.

223rd General Assembly: The Spirit at work in St. Louis

If the apostle Paul had to cite an example of his words spoken to the Romans — “We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit intercedes for us through wordless groans” — all he would have to do was point to St. Louis on a map.

Hands & Feet initiative launched in St. Louis

The genesis of the Hands & Feet initiative came from Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Stated Clerk, the Rev. Dr. J. Herbert Nelson II, after his experience at the 222nd General Assembly (2016) in Portland. He had never seen so many homeless people in one place.

신앙 지키기: 인종에 관한 신성한 대화

세인트 루이스—올해의 빅 텐트 모임과 내년 총회 장소인 세인트 루이스에서 제작된 신앙지키기Keeping Faith의 2017년 8월호를 이제 시청 및 다운로드 할 수 있다.

Mantenemos la fe: Conversaciones Sagradas sobre la Raza

La edición de agosto del 2017 de «Mantenemos la Fe» en St. Louis, lugar de la reunión de La Gran Carpa y la próxima Asamblea General, ya está disponible para su visualización y descarga.

Keeping Faith: Sacred Conversations on Race

The August 2017 edition of Keeping Faith from St. Louis, the site of this year’s Big Tent gathering and next year’s General Assembly, is now available for viewing and download.

Big Tent attendees engage in dialog with St. Louis churches

Nearly 300 Big Tent participants were treated to Friday evening visits at one of five area Presbyterian congregations to hear various St. Louis experiences of racism and to begin processing the “Holy Conversations around Race” that began during this week’s event.

Big Tent 2017 reflects new approach to big gatherings

‘How should the church respond when sin disrupts the church’s unity, creates division among the children of God, and constructs unjust systems that steal life from God’s creation?’ This question begins the introduction of the Belhar Confession in the PC(USA)’s Book of Confessions.