Of late, the hosts of Between Two Pulpits, Special Offerings’ Bryce Wiebe and Lauren Rogers, have asked their guest to discuss what the coming Sunday’s sermon might look like if they were taking to the pulpit.
The Rev. Edwin González-Castillo said Monday he knows the Haitian people will overcome the most recent calamity to befall them, Saturday’s 7.2-magnitude earthquake that has killed at least 1,300 people to date, injured thousands and left many tens of thousands without adequate shelter, food, water and access to health care.
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance and Presbyterian World Mission have been in contact with their partners in Haiti following Saturday morning’s 7.2-magnitude earthquake and the aftershocks that have followed.
Standing together and singing hymns while your ship sinks into the waves, taking you to your certain death, is not normal behavior. And yet the Four Chaplains did exactly this on Feb. 3, 1943. Through their sacrifice, others were spared and many more have been inspired. Perhaps as they considered their actions that frigid night, they had in mind the words of Paul from our lectionary today, “I do it all for the sake of the gospel, so that I may share in its blessings.”