
The jig’s up

For really good ideas on how to serve the faithful at Park Ridge Presbyterian Church in suburban Chicago, the Rev. Amanda H. Joria often relies on her mother.

A generosity that knows no boundaries

I grew up in a large Italian family. A hallmark of our life together was that there was always room at the table for a guest. When anyone, friend or stranger, arrived at the house, they were profusely welcomed and invited to have a seat and to eat. Always. No exceptions.

A color wheel of generosity

We are going to discover new gifts this afternoon,” Dr. Leanne Van Dyk promised viewers Tuesday during the REvangelism conference. Van Dyk, president of Columbia Theological Seminary, was speaking about generosity, a topic she wrote about for the 8 Habits of Evangelism resource ahead of the conference for which about 150 people have registered.

The spacious nature of generosity

Instead of a small garden plot with only daisies, imagine a large mountain meadow filled with wildflowers of all kinds. Both are beautiful, of course, but the mountain meadow is bigger and more diverse.

Scripture as a cookbook, blueprint or trail map

What do a cookbook, a blueprint, a trail map and the Bible have in common? According to the Rev. Dr. Tod Bolsinger, associate professor of a leadership formation at Fuller Theological Seminary, they are all performative documents.