gail strange

Presbyterian Communicators Network to host online workshop

As the COVID-19 pandemic created new communications challenges for churches across the country, the Presbyterian Communicators Network (PCN) looked for new ways to help congregations address those challenges.

Racism, a ‘spirit fueled by hatred and fear’

Racism, the Rev. Dr. Mark Lomax told staff and guests at the Presbyterian Center on Wednesday, the actual birthday of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., is a spirit fueled by hatred and fear, a spirit born of a lie “that you and I, fellow Christians, refuse to address. You and I live into the lie to this very day.”

Communicating effectively

A previously little-known resource within the Presbyterian Mission Agency’s Communications ministry of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has new life, thanks to the results of a 2015 survey and assessment. The Presbyterian Communicators Network was created in 2004 as a response to a General Assembly Mission Work Plan, which called for enhancing communications efforts across the denomination and creating a system that promotes dialogue within the church. The network’s primary mission is to link Presbyterians who are officially responsible for communications in their synod, presbytery or congregation through on-site workshops, e-newsletters, social media and other vehicles.