Facing a recurring $80,000 to $100,000 annual budget deficit, the Rev. Jeanne Radak knew her first task in 2013 as the new presbytery leader for the Presbytery of Newton was to create a more sustainable budget model and process.
This month’s webinar put on by the co-moderators of the Funding Model Development Team laid out the work completed so far on the team’s General Assembly mandate to “develop and implement experiments that will fund councils of the church, above the session, that will be consistent with the identified values and adaptive challenges of the mid councils.”
On Saturday the Unification Commission took its first major step toward unifying the Office of the General Assembly and the Presbyterian Mission Agency, combining communications ministries in the two entities as well as the Administrative Services Group. Their senior leadership has until the commission’s next meeting Nov. 12 to determine who will run the combined efforts and to whom that leader will report.