fossil free pcusa

Step by step: faithfully seeking climate justice

I wish I was home for Christmas. Home means eating cinnamon rolls made by my mom, playing with my nieces and nephews, meeting up with friends we haven’t seen all year. Home means getting to have cheese fries at my favorite restaurant and hugging my partner’s 80-year- old grandmother who I love like my own.

MRTI outlines environmental divestment standards

The Presbyterian Committee for Mission Responsibility Through Investment (MRTI) voted at its fall meeting to recommend any companies that fall into the lowest tier of its guideline metrics for environmental compliance be added to the General Assembly’s proscription/divestment list.

MRTI shares first round of General Assembly environmental compliance scores

The Presbyterian Church’s Committee on Mission Responsibility Through Investment has completed its first round of scoring corporations’ environmental records, finding some are making progress and others are at risk of potential divestment recommendations. 

Both sides on fossil fuel divestment issue look ahead, post-GA

For hours, Fossil Free PCUSA representatives lay scattered across the floor outside of the convention hall at the 223rd General Assembly (2018) in St. Louis. The “die-in” was in response to the commissioners’ decision to accept a minority report asking the Committee on Mission Responsibility Through Investment (MRTI) to continue its engagement with fossil fuel companies.

Both sides on fossil fuel divestment issue look ahead post-GA223

For hours, Fossil Free PCUSA representatives lay scattered across the floor outside of the convention hall at the 223rd General Assembly in St. Louis last week. The “die-in” was in response to the commissioners’ decision to accept a minority report asking the Committee on Mission Responsibility Through Investment (MRTI) to continue its engagement with fossil fuel companies.

Presbyterian Peace Fellowship and Fossil Free PC(USA) announce partnership

Two strong voices in environmental justice and peacemaking have decided to come together in an effort to strengthen their work. Presbyterian Peace Fellowship (PPF) and Fossil Free PC(USA) have announced a formal partnership in which FFPCUSA will operate as a project within PPF. Leaders of both organizations say the move is in recognition of the “crucial link between environmental justice and peacemaking.”