farm church

Practicing resurrection

The questions come in the darkness, usually around 3 a.m. “What will my children’s lives be like without me?” wonders Farm Church co-founder Ben Johnston-Krase.

Practicing resurrection

The questions come in the darkness, usually around 3 a.m. ‘What will my children’s lives be like without me?’ wonders Farm Church co-founder Ben Johnston-Krase. Four months ago he was diagnosed with Stage IV lung cancer.

Everyday epiphanies

The word “epiphany” (from the Greek epiphaneia or theophaneia) means “appearance” or “manifestation” of God, and has roots in the word for sunrise or dawn. In our lives of faith, some epiphanies are dramatic and send our lives down a different path. Others are subtler, even commonplace, and influence how we see ourselves and the world. Either way, whether God whispers to us or knocks us for a loop, we are in for a change.

April 19: New Hope Presbytery

Farm Church Alleviates Spiritual Hunger while Addressing Physical Hunger in Community April 19, 2016 Imagine worshiping God in a barn, in an orchard or under a beautiful sky. Imagine children… Read more »