faith based

Seeking justice in the death of George Floyd by honoring his life

Before some 60,000 supporters met together at Houston’s Discovery Green park to join the family of George Floyd in a peaceful march to City Hall this week, about 200 clergy from diverse faiths, ethnicities and backgrounds gathered in the ballroom of a nearby hotel to pray.

Young Adult Volunteer program celebrates first quarter of a century

I still remember the first words from the first church leader I met as I first arrived in Manila: “You are welcome here, but you are not needed here.” Those words, spo0ken with wisdom and love almost two decades ago, would shape the course of my time as a Young Adult Volunteer (YAV) in the Philippines. I didn’t know it then, but that same sentiment shaped the YAV program at its inception. And it continues to guide our vision for the program as volunteers serve around the world and witness the holy ways the Spirit is leading them.