The Rev. Keith Gunter, pastor of the newest chartered PC(USA) congregation, New Creation Church in Hendersonville, Tennessee, finally had a moment to reflect on what has been ‘a whirlwind of a summer.’
The Presbyterian Mission Agency Coordinator for Christian Formation, Jason Brian Santos, is leading this year’s Evangelism conference at Zephyr Point, Lake Tahoe October 15-19.
More than 1,000 people representing churches around the world recently met in Arusha, Tanzania, for the World Council of Churches (WCC) Commission on World Mission and Evangelism (CWME) Conference, which is held roughly every decade.
Presbyterian Mission colleagues, the Rev. Dr. Ray Jones and the Rev. Dr. Jason Brian Santos in Theology, Formation and Evangelism ministries (TFE) at the Presbyterian Mission Agency have been asking each other questions about the practice of Sabbath such as, “What is it?”, “Why do we do Sabbath?” and “How do we depart, once we’ve participated in Sabbath?”
Lucketts is not a place that has diners or coffee shops. The one restaurant in this small town in the food and wine country of rural Virginia is closed on Mondays.
Church planters in the Presbyterian Church, (U.S.A.) held their final conference here at the TradeWinds Island Grand Resort last week (August 7-10). They’ve been coming here since 2003.
Worshipers gathered at “Living, Dying, Rising”—the national gathering for 1001 New Worshiping Communities (1001 NWC) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)—were encouraged to “slow down” Tuesday night, “to be in the presence of God,” by walking with Christ on the road to the cross.
Joanna Shelton spent many years believing there was no God. However, reading her great-grandfather’s journal of his time as a missionary in Japan changed that. She says that she is his latest convert.
The Rev. Michael Gehrling has been hired as Northeast Region Associate for the 1001 New Worshiping Communities initiative of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) He begins his service August 6 by traveling to the “Living, Dying, Rising” annual 1001 New Worshiping Communities gathering in St. Pete Beach, Florida.