Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary (LPTS) president, the Rev. Dr. Michael Jinkins, announced his retirement during the seminary’s spring Board of Trustees meeting, which took place Friday, April 28. Jinkins, who began his term as the seminary’s ninth president September 1, 2010, will formally retire September 2, 2018.
President says relationship no longer compatible with the college’s mission by Emily Enders Odom | Presbyterian News Service LOUISVILLE – Higher education is the oldest form of Presbyterian Church mission beyond… Read more »
When you talk to Jeff Arnold, executive director of the Association of Presbyterian Colleges and Universities (APCU), you can’t help but feel optimistic. Following the organization’s annual Presidents’ Conference, his view is that faith-based affiliations among Presbyterian schools are getting stronger and growing due to the strength of connections offered by APCU.
The Rev. Dr. Chip Hardwick, director of Theology, Formation and Evangelism conducted a lively interview with the Rev. Dr. Doris García Rivera, president of the Seminario Evangélico de Puerto Rico (SEPR) on the PC(USA)’s Facebook page yesterday afternoon.
When you visit the DREAAM House you see young boys preparing for their greatness. A group of pre-K boys who live in neighborhoods that sometimes placed them at risk, entered the DREAAM House for the first time in July 2015.
El presidente de la Escuela Presbiteriana Panamericana, Doug Dalglish, recuerda el viaje que hizo en el 2016 al Seminario Teológico Presbiteriano de Austin, cuando experimentó de nuevo cómo la escuela, a la cual sirve, prepara a jóvenes líderes cristianos (9no a 12vo grado) para todo el mundo.
Presbyterian Pan American School president Doug Dalglish remembers a trip he took in 2016 to Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary—when he experienced again how the school he serves is preparing young Christian leaders (grades 9-12) for the whole world.
Today, African-American mission co-workers continue the transforming work of God’s mission, answering the call to service through Presbyterian World Mission. Leisa Wagstaff, currently serving in South Sudan, shares her personal reflection on this irresistible call. Like the mission workers who served a century before her, Leisa has found herself personally transformed. That is the essence of God’s mission.
When you visit the DREAAM House you see young boys preparing for their greatness. A group of pre-K age boys, who live in neighborhoods that sometimes placed them at risk, entered the DREAAM House for the first time in July of 2015.