
A church struggles to do the right thing

Mid-curve of the COVID-19 crisis, I received a call from a man who, in a distinctive and educated voice, asked about our dinner program. “Is it a hot meal?” Yes. “Can I take it out?” He hurried on, “I would feel very uncomfortable sitting down to eat next to people I don’t know.” He was almost rambling now. “I’ve never had to go to a soup kitchen before. I lost my job at the beginning of the coronavirus and I’ve run out…”

Mission co-worker sees hope and joy in her students and in Rwanda

“All of Rwandan identity and history is divided into pre-genocide and post-genocide,” mission co-worker Kay Day said at the 2018 New Wilmington Mission Conference at Westminster College. “Division has been part of our history,” Day said. “You see, before the Germans and Belgians came, there were two people groups. There were the Tutsi who owned cattle, and there were the Hutu who had land.”

What’s next for NEXT Church?

Sparked by the belief that the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) can be a place for vibrant theological discussion, spiritual growth and evangelistic courage, the renewal group NEXT Church has been fostering conversations since 2010.