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DREAM grant
When the Waterloo School District cut music programs a few years ago, members and leadership at Unity Presbyterian Church saw an opportunity to partner with Kittrell Elementary School to provide music education opportunities.
Doris Garcia Rivera, president of the Evangelical Seminary of Puerto Rico, remembers how grateful she was, standing on the stage at a meeting of the Presbyterian Mission Agency Board earlier this year in Puerto Rico.
When Tony De La Rosa, the agency’s interim executive director, presented a $10,000 DREAM Grant check to the Synod of Puerto Rico for use by the seminary, Garcia Rivera was ecstatic.
Un cheque para la Beca DREAM de $ 10,000 fue presentado al Sínodo de Boriquen en Puerto Rico para mejorar las tecnologías de aprendizaje a distancia en el Seminario Evangélico de Puerto Rico (SEPR). Tony De La Rosa, Director Ejecutivo Interino de la Agencia Presbiteriana de la Misión, ofreció el cheque a la Presidenta del SEPR, Dra. Doris J. García Rivera, durante la sesión plenaria de la tarde en la reunión de la Junta de la Agencia Presbiteriana de Misión (PMAB).
A $10,000 DREAM Grant check was presented to the Boriquen Synod in Puerto Rico to enhance the distance learning technologies at the Seminario Evangélico de Puerto Rico (SEPR). Tony De La Rosa, interim executive director of the Presbyterian Mission Agency, offered the check to SEPR President, Dr. Doris J. Garcia Rivera, during the afternoon plenary of the spring 2017 meeting of the Presbyterian Mission Agency Board (PMAB).
After months of effort, and a mandate by the Presbyterian Mission Agency Board, a comprehensive grant system has been implemented for the Presbyterian Mission Agency. The new processes have been in place since March 1, and are being further described to members of the Presbyterian Mission Agency Board (PMAB) meeting in San Juan, Puerto Rico this week.
The intersection of faith and art. That is what Rev. Shawna Bowman, cofounder of the Creation Lab calls this intentional space. “It grew out of a selfish desire of its creators to have and share a space that can serve as a creative outlet and safe space for experimentation,” says Bowman. “It’s about making, collaborating, and failing together.”