dr. ashley hicks

Louisville Seminary students establish Gayraud Wilmore Society of Black Seminarians

For Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Black History Month kicks off with the establishment of a new student organization. The Gayraud Wilmore Society of Black Seminarians (SBS) centers the distinct voices of the seminary’s Black students by providing a sacred and unified space that uplifts Black community, cultural experiences, social connections, mental health, and the academic support of the Black student body at Louisville Seminary.

Louisville Seminary Counseling Center to offer telehealth services to clients beginning Monday

In an effort to provide access to marriage and family therapy resources during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Louisville Seminary Counseling Center (LSCC) will begin offering services free of charge to its clients via phone and the online Zoom meeting platform beginning June 29. The seminary’s counseling center has been closed since March 16 due to the need to implement coronavirus social distancing protocols.