At the beginning of the recent Theology, Formation & Evangelism ministry cohort on spiritual practices, the Rev. Dr. David Gambrell began a presentation on daily prayer in a curious way.
When William McConnell began recruiting artists for a new musical ensemble he affectionately dubbed the Mission Musicians, he took the familiar words of 1 Corinthians 12 to heart.
When the Rev. Dr. David Gambrell was asked to speak at the Presbyterian Youth Triennium last year, he knew it would be both challenging and extremely personal.
The bold vision and invitation of Matthew 25:31-46 to be the hands and feet of Jesus, serving people who are hungry, oppressed, imprisoned or poor, is awakening compassionate faith to new possibilities in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
The Rev. Dr. Horace T. Allen, Jr., an ecumenical Christian scholar of worship and liturgy, professor and longtime member of The Consultation on Common Texts — described as “an ecumenical consultation of liturgical scholars and denominational representatives from the United States and Canada who produce liturgical texts and curate a three-year lectionary in common use by Christian churches worldwide” — died on Feb. 5.
When David Gambrell heard he was to be honored by Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary as a distinguished alumni on Jan. 31, he quipped, “I guess I’m going to have to get a haircut.”
When David Gambrell found out he was to be honored by Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary as a distinguished alum on January 31, he quipped, “I guess I’m going to have to get a haircut.” Notoriously self-effacing, the Presbyterian Mission Agency worship associate is one of two alumni who will receive the annual award this year, given to those who have distinguished themselves by their service to the church or seminary.
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