MIDLAND, Texas – The death of Cuban President Fidel Castro has had repercussions around the world, most poignantly in Cuba and Miami. The man himself divides opinions and polarizes feelings.
The Rev. Tony Aja returned to Cuba last October for only the second time since he fled the country with his father in 1967. Strolling through his old neighborhood he remembers all too well how his family and friends suffered during the Cuba revolution, but as a minister of the gospel he clings to the hope that forgiveness and reconciliation will come eventually, even at the political level.
The death of Cuban president Fidel Castro has had repercussions around the world, most poignantly in Cuba and Miami. The man himself divides opinions and polarizes feelings.
Refusing to succumb to political upheaval, economic uncertainty or mass emigration, the Evangelical Theological Seminary at Matanzas, Cuba has remained open and focused on preparing the next generation of ecumenical leaders.
The 2016 International Peacemakers are finishing up their visits to U.S. churches, colleges and communities. Seven of the speakers gathered this week at Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary to debrief with staff. During its day-long gathering, the group shared their experiences, hopes and recommendations for future meetings.
At the age of 14, Fernando Lopez Machado had a faith so deep it reached across an ocean. Now 19, Lopez Machado is a first-year student at the Evangelical Theological Seminary in Matanzas, Cuba, thanks to the love, support and prayers of his home church, the First Presbyterian-Reformed Church of Havana, and three U.S. churches.
Mientras el huracán Matthew continúa avanzando a través del Atlántico hacia la costa de los EE.UU., el Programa Presbiteriano de Asistencia en Desastres (PDA) ha estado alcanzando a sus compañeros en Haití y Cuba
As Hurricane Matthew continues to churn across the Atlantic toward the U.S. coast, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance has been reaching out to its partners in Haiti and Cuba.
While the US and Cuban governments have only recently reestablished diplomatic ties, the Presbyterian Church has continually maintained a relationship between the two countries. Congregations will get an idea how that has progressed this month when the 2016 class of International Peacemakers visits the United States.
Hope for reconciliation between the United States and Cuba reached a peak when Barack Obama became the first sitting president in 88 years to visit the island nation. People lined the streets of Havana, chanting for the American president—an act that could have sent them to jail in another era.