Like most people, the Rev. Meg Shoeman subscribed to the myth that clergy are superhuman.
“People tend to think if you’re in ministry in some capacity that you’re probably fine and you don’t have any needs,” said Shoeman, “but we’re all human and needs do arise.”
Just as they did for her.
McCormick Theological Seminary has been awarded a $1 million grant from Lilly Endowment Inc. in support of McCormick’s Trauma Healing Initiative (“THI”).
Many cultures around the world celebrate a harvest festival. Here in the United States, Thanksgiving represents that feast to celebrate the fruitful harvest. Steeped in the piety of early Americans, the hallmark of the holiday was an outpouring of praise to God for the abundant harvest — for life itself.
The Rev. Irvin Porter, associate for Native American Intercultural Congregational Support in the office of Racial Equity & Women’s Intercultural Ministries, has offered up many presentations on the Doctrine of Discovery and the more than 500 years of history between Native American and white people in this country. Porter told Between Two Pulpits hosts Bryce Wiebe and Lauren Rogers Monday that only once has someone responded, “I didn’t do any of that, so why should I feel guilty?”
COVID-19 has exposed many discrepancies as well as learning opportunities for society and for the church. One of the greatest lessons for the church is the need for and use of technology.
Against a spectacular backdrop that has inspired the likes of renowned painter Georgia O’Keeffe as well as generations of Presbyterians, the Association of Stated Clerks (ASC) and the Association of Mid Council Leaders (AMCL) gathered from Oct. 25-28 at the Ghost Ranch Education and Retreat Center for a time of refreshment, rest and renewal.
Separated by an entire continent, a pair of prominent Presbyterians — the Rev. Bruce Reyes-Chow and the Rev. Aisha Brooks-Johnson — were of one heart and mind Monday leading opening worship for the REvangelism conference exploring the 8 Habits of Evangelism.