
Native Americans find hope in the pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a heavy toll on Native Americans, but their communities have taken steps to come together and address their needs.

Physically distant, but spiritually close

“We may be physically distant,” the Rev. Dr. Derrick McQueen said at the opening of his Facebook Live appearance Wednesday with the Rev. Dr. Lee Hinson-Hasty, “but we’re always spiritually close.”

PDA helps California presbytery navigate wildfire response

Whenever a disaster strikes, the Rev. Erica Rader does three things: she gives to Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA), she gives to a food bank in the impacted area, and she prays. Now she is finding out what those gifts to PDA are supporting.

The risky business of singing

Congregations are continuing to look for creative solutions to engage their members musically without the health risks of communal singing.

PC(USA) congregations urged to support public schools

The Educate a Child, Transform the World initiative is encouraging congregations to find ways to support public education as school districts wrestle with how to best serve students during the global pandemic.