Companion Guide to the Commitment to Peacemaking

No place like home

No one spread a mat for Selai. Born and raised in Vunidogoloa [voo-nē-dō-gō-lōah], the first Fijian community that was forced to relocate due to the impact of climate change, Selai [Suh-lī] felt unwelcome in her new home.  

How can you become part of Presbyterian Peacemaking?

From committing to work for peace in our own communities to traveling to see peace work around the world, there are numerous ways people can get involved in the work of the Presbyterian Peacemaking Program.

A light in the clearing

When the prophet Elijah, deep in the throes of an existential crisis, fled to Mount Horeb in search of God, he was met instead with the sound of sheer silence. Natalie Pisarcik knows just how he felt.