
Will Colombian peace accord lead to lasting peace?

After four years of dialogue and negotiations, President Juan Manuel Santos and the FARC guerrilla group agreed to end hostilities on June 23, 2016. The final peace accord, announced on August 24 and formally signed on September 26, will be placed before the Colombian people for a popular vote on October 2.

Pennsylvania church inspired by peacemaker visits

While state and national government leaders debate on the acceptance of refugee families, Weisiger says it didn’t take long for her church and five others to begin work to resettle families in their community. Community connections were made as a result of peacemaker visits that have enabled the church to continue engaging in the work of peacemaking in their own backyard. The Peacemaking Program connected the church not just to the wider church, but to refugee resettlement agencies and interfaith organizations engaged in peacemaking in the heart of Philadelphia.


Transformative Power of Christ Shines in California Delegation‘s Visit May 18, 2016 Urban Ministry Underscores Partnership Between San Fernando Presbytery and Colombian Presbyterians  A letter from Sarah Henken, regional liaison… Read more »