christian zionism working group

Nationalism and Christian Zionism focus of latest webinar

As in the first webinar that examined the effects of the settler-colonial experience on Palestinians, the PC(USA)’s Christian Zionism working group hosted a large audience of interested participants in its most recent in a series of webinars, titled “Nationalism and Christian Zionism.” More than 700 people registered for the Zoom-based event and more than 300 watched live. The Christian Zionism working group includes PC(USA) national staff, congregation members and grassroots Presbyterians connected to the Israel Palestine Mission Network (IPMN).

PC(USA) webinar on ‘Confronting Christian Zionism’ is scheduled

The PC(USA)’s Christian Zionism working group, which includes PC(USA) national staff and members from its congregations, will present the first in a series of webinars centered on the topic of confronting and challenging Christian Zionism. The Zoom-based webinar is scheduled for noon Eastern Time on Thursday, April 18.