
An unexpected blessing

Blessings can come from unanticipated sources in places we might not expect. For the Rev. Dr. Jill Duffield and her family, the place was outside a Goodwill dressing room, and the sources were two older women unknown to the Duffield family.

VBS takes Sermon on the Mount to the garden

Vacation Bible School at Second Presbyterian Church in Indianapolis will “bee” different, in a hybrid way, this year, according to organizers. Although “maybe 75” children were expected to take part, more than 150 children — ages 4 through fifth grade — have registered for in-person VBS, and more children will participate online, June 21–25.

Translating the Matthew 25 vision into liturgical language

A free new booklet is proof Presbyterians can confess their sins, affirm their faith, pray, break bread and be dismissed — and start and end their day with prayer, all without leaving the 25th chapter of the Gospel of Matthew.

On justice and righteousness

The Rev. Mary Brueggemann, a retired United Church of Christ pastor, began the Presbyterian Association of Musicians conference  Bible study on Justice in the New Testament Tuesday with a quote about the Old Testament.