The story of a father and mother and the sextuplets baptized at First Presbyterian Church in Richmond, Virginia, was told on Sunday morning by the Rev. Mary Kay Collins.
It’s Friday night in Holguín and the streets of this city in northeastern Cuba are filled with noisy revelers — just like bustling metropolises everywhere. Music is in the air, motorcyclists roar up and down the street, people laugh and talk.
Westminster John Knox Press is pleased to announce the release of ‘The Baptism of Your Child: A Book for Presbyterian Families.’ There are few occasions more joyous than the presentation of a new baby or small child for baptism.
세례는 장로교인들이 행하는 두 가지 성례전 중 하나입니다. 성만찬이 다른 하나입니다. 세례의 행위는 믿을 수 없을 정도로 단순합니다. 그러나 소량의 물에는 신비하고 의미 있는 깊은 우물이 있습니다. 세례를 받을 때 우리는 그리스도의 제자로서 새로운 삶의 방식으로 부름을 받으며 기쁜 소식의 복음을 온 세상에 전합니다.
In this reflection by Katy Steinberg, pastor of the new worshiping community Missing Peace, we meet a young woman ready to go deeper in her relationship with Christ.
November 2016 will always and forever be a special month in the life of Missing Peace, a 1001 New Worshiping Community in Ormond Beach, Florida.
Presbyterians believe that baptism envelops our lives as Christians. As part of the covenant community, we baptize children as they grow into their faith. Believers are baptized as they make a decision to enter the covenant community and to follow Christ. When Christians die, we say that they have completed their baptism in death.
Presbyterians believe that baptism envelops our lives as Christians. As part of the covenant community, we baptize children as they grow into their faith.
Presbyterians believe that baptism envelops our lives as Christians. As part of the covenant community, we baptize children as they grow into their faith. Believers are baptized as they make a decision to enter the covenant community and to follow Christ. When Christians die, we say that they have completed their baptism in death.
A family retreat for members of Crafton Heights United Presbyterian Church in Pittsburgh opened up possibilities in inter-generational learning, deepening commitment to faith and attendees understanding of God’s relationship to humanity.