The feature-length documentary “Maman Colonelle,” directed by Dieudo Hamadi, has received the Human Rights Award 2017 from the World Association for Christian Communication (WACC), and SIGNIS, a worldwide association of Catholic communicators.
The National Association of Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (VOAD) has selected a Presbyterian Disaster AssistanceNational Response Team member as its volunteer of the year. David Rauer received the recognition last night during VOAD’s annual awards ceremony. Rauer received the Don Hampton Volunteer of the Year Award for his disaster recovery work for the past six years.
When David Gambrell found out he was to be honored by Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary as a distinguished alum on January 31, he quipped, “I guess I’m going to have to get a haircut.” Notoriously self-effacing, the Presbyterian Mission Agency worship associate is one of two alumni who will receive the annual award this year, given to those who have distinguished themselves by their service to the church or seminary.
The ‘Flint Water Crisis’ video story in the June 2016 ‘Keeping Faith’ segment with Tony De La Rosa, Interim Executive Director of the Presbyterian Mission Agency, has received a Telly Awards honor.
Change of Heart: Justice, Mercy and Making Peace with My Sister’s Killer by Jeanne Bishop has been named winner of the Presbyterian Writers Guild’s 2014-2015 Best First Book Award.