Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary

PC(USA) seminary news

A compilation of news from Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) seminaries and other pertinent seminary news.

Four Presbyterian seminaries among top rated theological institutions

Four seminaries of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) have been named to the fourth annual list of “Seminaries that Change the World.” The schools are Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Columbia Theological Seminary, McCormick Theological Seminary and Union Presbyterian Seminary.

PC(USA) seminary news – September 2016

A compilation of news from Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) seminaries including Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Columbia Theological Seminary, Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, McCormick Theological Seminary, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, Princeton Theological Seminary, San Francisco Theological Seminary and Union Presbyterian Seminary; and other pertinent seminary news.

PC(USA) seminary news

A compilation of news submitted to Presbyterian News Service by Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) seminaries including Auburn Theological Seminary, Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Columbia Theological Seminary, Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, McCormick Theological Seminary, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, Princeton Theological Seminary, San Francisco Theological Seminary and Union Presbyterian Seminary; and other pertinent seminary news.