The canvas before us looks to be from a surrealist artist.
In the center, a figure in a beaked plague mask rides a green horse. To one side, bed-sheet banners with the message “No Job, No Rent” hang from apartment windows. To the other side, shirts on marching protesters bear the inscription “BLM.” And scattered through the scene are darkened churches painted upside down.
Throughout the month of October, The Gallery at West Side Presbyterian Church in Ridgewood, New Jersey, is showcasing the paintings, photographs and poetry of local artist, Andrew Weatherly.
Two years ago, I collaborated with colleagues and friends to develop an experimental, art-making, spirit-stirring, imagination space called Creation Lab. We believed that the church needed spaces set aside for creativity and trying new things — a research and design space, if you will.
Lisle Gwynn Garrity has the “great privilege” of being both an artist and a minister. In her work as founder and creative director of Sanctified Art, Gwynn Garrity leads art retreats and does live paintings during worship at congregations around the country.
The Rev. Abby King-Kaiser, senior assistant director for Ecumenical and Multifaith Ministry at the Dorothy Day Center for Faith and Justice at Xavier University in Cincinnati, Ohio, will serve as worship leader and coordinator for ‘Living, Dying, Rising,’ the 2017 national gathering for 1001 New Worshiping Communities.