amanda craft

Sanctuary from detention, large fines and near-certain deportation

Six years ago, Hilda Ramírez arrived in the United States with her seven-year-old son, Ivan, after fleeing Guatemala. She spent a year in a Texas detention center, where she led women on a hunger strike. Four years ago, she and her son were offered Sanctuary at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Austin, where they remain even as they face deportation and fines in the tens of thousands of dollars.

World Communion of Reformed Churches delegation calls for border reforms

An international Christian delegation to the Mexico-United States border led by the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) is calling for radical reforms to address not only the causes of migration but the way in which migrants are treated on their journey.

Si visita la frontera entre EE. UU. y México, regrese y cuente su historia

En lugar de confiar en los medios de comunicación o las versiones del gobierno sobre lo que está pasando en la frontera entre Estados Unidos y México, es mejor que el pueblo presbiteriano dialogue con las personas y asociados que laboran en la cuestión de la inmigración.