Like its name implies, the Alter program was established for predominantly Black churches to help them better minister to their members and friends living with dementia — and for their caregivers, family members and friends as well.
As our society continues to age, we hear more and more about the challenges of dementia. There are now about 5 million people living with Alzheimer’s disease in the United States, and that number will grow. Alzheimer’s is one of the most feared medical conditions, and there is still no cure. What starts as forgetfulness becomes increasing disability, disconnection, dependence and death.
As our society continues to age, we hear more and more about the challenges of dementia. There are now about 5 million people living with Alzheimer’s disease in the United States, and that number will grow. Alzheimer’s is one of the most feared medical conditions, and there is still no cure. What starts as forgetfulness becomes increasing disability, disconnection, dependence and death.