all agency review committee

Way Forward Commission call reveals tentative recommendations for PC(USA)

Meeting on the one-year anniversary of its first gathering at Auburn Seminary in New York City, the Way Forward Commission of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) held a 3-hour conference call today to hear reports and initial recommendations, plan for its report drafting sessions and look beyond General Assembly 223 (2018).

All Agency Review Committee considers General Assembly procedures

On its second day of meeting the All Agency Review Committee of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) took up the topic of how certain topics are introduced at the denomination’s General Assembly and the ramifications of decisions made on the work of the agencies, often without input from the agencies.

All Agency Review Committee sets plan to complete work

During its final day of meetings in Louisville the All Agency Review Committee began to formulate the work ahead that will be the basis for its final report and recommendations to General Assembly 223 (2018.)

Decision not to merge OGA and PMA eclipses All Agency Review business

On the day of an eclipse that obscured 96 percent of the sun in Louisville, the All Agency Review Committee of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) meeting here shed light on the year-long conversation regarding the makeup of the denomination’s agency structure.

All Agency Review Committee discusses future plans

The All Agency Review Committee of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) met yesterday via conference call to receive working group progress updates and plan for its Aug. 21–22 meeting in Louisville.

Presbyterian Mission Agency Board elects new Executive Committee

The Presbyterian Mission Agency Board (PMAB) met today via conference call to nominate and elect its new Executive Committee in addition to considering an appointment to the Presbyterian Investment and Loan Program (PILP). The board also received updates from the Executive Director search team and the Governance Task Force.

All-Agency Review Committee revises reports, plans next steps

Day two of the Denver meeting of the All-Agency Review Committee began with an expression of gratitude by committee Moderator Deborah Block, who asked the group to review the mission directives discussion from yesterday and look toward the work of future meetings.

Comité de revisión de las seis agencias culmina su primera reunión

El Comité de Revisión de las Seis Agencias comisionado por la 222a Asamblea General (2016) de la Iglesia Presbiteriana (EE.UU.) se reunieron aquí esta semana para comenzar el proceso de discernimiento sobre sus metas y escuchar a los representantes de las seis agencias que conforman la denominación.