224th general assembly 2020

Baltimore Convention Center set to host thousands of Presbyterians this summer

For the time being, the Baltimore Convention Center — nearly 422,000 square feet of space and 50 meeting rooms in the heart of a thriving downtown — is mostly vacant. But beginning 128 days from Wednesday, thousands of Presbyterians will do their best to fill up the mammoth meeting facility.

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) boards will hold joint session in Baltimore Thursday

Meeting jointly all day Thursday in Baltimore, the Presbyterian Mission Agency Board and the Committee on the Office of the General Assembly will also meet separately Wednesday and Friday as both bodies take care of business items leading up to the 224th General Assembly set for June 20-27, also in Baltimore.

Your photos tell your story

By way of photo submission, Presbyterians are invited to tell the world the ways their church, mid council or organization is carrying out the Matthew 25 invitation and the Hands and Feet initiative.

Links of Love inspires connections and giving

The Presbyterian Giving Catalog launched Links of Love recently as part of a special Giving Challenge. The Links of Love activity is aimed toward recognizing the power and impact of individual gifts when joined with others by creating a paper chain that visually represents Presbyterian generosity.

Not only a seat at the table but a new table

Wrapping up its work more than three hours earlier than expected, members of the Moving Forward Implementation Commission prayed Friday afternoon for traveling mercies and for the remaining work commissioners must do before sending its report in by Feb. 21.

Nearing the finish line

The Moving Forward Implementation Commission worked most of the day Thursday on crafting the recommendations it will make to the 224th General Assembly, set for June 20-27 in Baltimore.

Jane Kurtz named winner of top Presbyterian Writers Guild award

Jane Kurtz, prolific author, artist, literacy advocate and a child of Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) mission workers, has been named the recipient of the 2020 David Steele Distinguished Writer Award by the Presbyterian Writers Guild.

‘Standing together in a world divided’

The Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy (ACSWP) and World Mission organized a gathering with ecumenical representatives from around the world last week in Bangkok, Thailand. The purpose was to have deeper conversations about worldwide crises such as climate, weakened democracy within nations and increasingly divisive practices among nations.