2023-2024 mission work plan

‘GA, Creation Care and You’

Nearly 90 people tuned in to a Presbyterians for Earth Care webinar Thursday for a look back at what commissioners and advisory delegates to the 225th General Assembly did to care for God’s Creation.

Committee approves proposed 2023-24 budgets for the Presbyterian Mission Agency

The Resource, Allocation and Stewardship Committee of the Presbyterian Mission Agency Board approved proposed PMA budgets for 2023 and 2024 Wednesday. Those budget proposals now go on for consideration by the full PMA Board when it meets later this month and then by the 225th General Assembly this summer.

PMA Board discusses, debates proposed 2023-24 Mission Work Plan

After discussing the proposed 2023-2024 Mission Work Plan in both small groups and all together Thursday, the Presbyterian Mission Agency Board will vote Friday on the plan that will guide much of the mission agency’s work as it seeks to take on additional areas of concentration while maintaining and expanding efforts regarding the three foci of the Matthew 25 invitation: building congregational vitality, dismantling structural racism and eradicating systemic poverty.

Revision to proposed 2023-2024 Mission Work Plan section on militarism is approved

A revised 2023-2024 Mission Work Plan won approval Friday by the Presbyterian Mission Agency Board’s Coordinating Committee, sending the document along to the full Board for consideration next month and ultimately to the 225th General Assembly meeting this summer both online and at the Presbyterian Center in Louisville, Kentucky.