1001 new worshiping communities

10 new worshiping communities receive Mission Program Grants

The Presbyterian Mission Agency recently approved 10 Mission Program Grants to a diverse range of worshiping communities. The Mission Development Resources Committee announced one $25,000 Growth Grant recipient, three $25,000 Investment Grant recipients and six $7,500 Seed Grant recipients.

2018 Walton Award winners announced

Serious JuJu, a new worshiping community for youth and skaters in northwest Montana, and Faith Presbyterian Church of the North Georgia Mountains have been named winners of the 2018 Sam and Helen R. Walton Awards.

A church for the wounded and vulnerable

Full of angst, Chris Romine walked into a new church in Hoboken, New Jersey, which sits directly across the river from Manhattan, New York. In his mid-20s with a well-paying job at a startup logistics firm in Manhattan, he was wondering if this was all there was. Exploring all kinds of faith expressions, including Christianity, he kept coming back to the simple message of Christ’s life.

2018 Walton Award winners announced

Serious JuJu, a 1001 New Worshiping Community for youth and skaters in northwest Montana and Faith Presbyterian Church of the North Georgia Mountains have been named winners of the 2018 Sam and Helen R. Walton Awards.