Colleagues and friends celebrate the contributions of the Rev. Tricia Dykers Koenig, who for many Presbyterians has been the face of the General Assembly
by Mike Ferguson | Presbyterian News Service

The Rev. Tricia Dykers Koenig addressed a question at the 226th General Assembly on July 2, 2024. (Photo by Rich Copley)
LOUISVILLE — Just ahead of the final gift she’ll give to Presbyterians from around the country — training and encouragement during the annual Moderators’ Conference Nov. 14-16 — the Rev. Tricia Dykers Koenig was on the receiving end of expressions of thanks for her work and well wishes as she retires from her role as Associate Director for Mid Council Relations in the Office of the General Assembly and, more visibly, as parliamentarian at recent General Assemblies.
On Tuesday, colleagues threw Dykers Koenig a reception at the Welcome Center at the Presbyterian Center in Louisville, Kentucky. A few tears fell and laughter ensued as people enumerated the work Dykers Koenig has put in on behalf of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and the kin-dom — as a pastor, for the organization now known as Covenant Network of Presbyterians, and for the supportive and tireless work she’s done for presbyteries and synods across the country.

During a luncheon, Office of General Assembly colleagues spelled out how they really feel about their colleague the Rev. Tricia Dykers Koenig, who’s retiring. (Photo by Jayne Culp)
“She reads more mid council newsletters than anybody else on the planet, and she follows up on them,” said the Rev. Dr. Tim Cargal, the interim director of Mid Council Ministries. “She is appreciated by mid council leaders, who have been the beneficiaries of her gifts.”
Cargal recalled Dykers Koenig’s interview process seven years ago. “There was discussion about her coming from a community organizing background,” he said. “It turned out that’s exactly what was needed — getting people to answer the call when the moment comes.”
“When Tricia came in for her interview, she interviewed for a different job,” recalled Kerry Rice, Deputy Stated Clerk. “Credit to [the former Stated Clerk, the Rev. Dr. J. Herbert Nelson, II] who saw in Tricia what we needed in the mid council job.”
Rice mentioned the memes created for social media during recent assemblies. For the all-online 224th General Assembly (2020), “she was the face of that assembly, and engendered all kinds of trust among commissioners.”

The Rev. Tricia Dykers Koenig prepares to work at the all-virtual 224th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) in 2020. (Photo by Randy Hobson)
The Rev. Liza Hendricks, who served as general presbyter for the Presbytery of Eastern Virginia and, earlier, the Presbytery of the Western Reserve, said she marveled at the way Dykers Koenig could “track data and build relationships” while with Covenant Network. “Congrats,” Hendricks told her friend of 25 years. “Welcome to the ranks of the retirees.”
The Rev. Dr. John Wilkinson, director of Ministry Engagement & Support, said he sometimes revisits old Covenant Network emails “just to read Tricia’s commentary.” He praised her “keen organizational mind” and her “fidelity to polity, a vehicle to justice and grace.”
The Rev. David Maxwell, Vice President for Curriculum and Church Resources in the Presbyterian Publishing Corporation, recalled the anguish when General Assemblies took actions not to ordain gay pastors and ruling elders. “She was a stoic person who continued to push and articulate a vision among the chaos and the tears, which weren’t always helpful,” Maxwell said. “She gave a sense of confidence that we had good leadership and for taking the long view.”

The Rev. Tricia Dykers Koenig, Associate Director for Mid Council Relations in the Office of the General Assembly, addressed the in-person and virtual attendees prior to the 225th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). (Photo by Rich Copley)
“A gift you bring to everything you do is your capacity to show up and lead by example,” said Flor Vélez-Díaz, manager of judicial process in the OGA. “I think Tim has quite the job ahead of him to fill those big shoes. I don’t know how many people you’ll need to do all the things that Tricia does.”
“She doesn’t let go of things that are important, and she defends colleagues who are going through difficult troubles,” said the Rev. Manuel D. Silva-Esterrich, manager of call process support in the OGA. “You are firm and loving, the pastor I have always wanted to be,” he told Dykers Koenig. “You have been a good example for the assembly and for us as colleagues.”
Kate Trigger Duffert, manager of General Assembly Planning, said she first knew Dykers Koening as “this superstar of the assembly” who was “the example of using voice and space to do good work.”
“It’s been such an honor to get to know you and work with you, and how much care you have for our ecclesiology and our polity. It makes me proud to be a Presbyterian, and that means something,” Trigger Duffert said. “You have handed us big things and small things that are valuable to us, including little details we would have missed.”

The Rev. Jihyun Oh
The Rev. Jihyun Oh, Executive Director and Stated Clerk of the General Assembly who formerly directed Mid Council Ministries, recalled an assessment that revealed that Dykers Koenig possessed “boring strengths.”
“Those were exactly the strengths we needed, including taking action and following up on details so we can get things done,” Oh said. “You were such a key to making the staff what it is, and I have really enjoyed your partnership.”
A few years ago, when the PC(USA) was offering retirement incentives to employees who qualified, “there was a dread you were going to take it,” Oh told Dykers Koenig. “I’m so grateful for the extra years we could work together.”
“You say yes to things that mean you’ll take on extra work,” said the OGA’s Jake Souder. “It’s a way you share your tremendous gifts.”
“I came into this job with very little background on the Presbyterian Church,” said Rick Jones, the PC(USA)’s communications director. “I credit you and your husband [the Rev. Mark Koenig]. I could always count on running my [draft] stories by you and Mark. You may have thought my questions were stupid, but you were so gracious, and it’s a testament to what a wonderful person you are.”

The invitation to the retirement party held to honor the Rev. Tricia Dykers Koenig.
“If you went to see Tricia, she would always make time for you,” said valerie izumi, an assistant stated clerk who coordinates the GA nominations process. “You have been a gift to the OGA and to me personally.”
“I would love it,” Trigger Duffert said, “if we could still have Tricia on a headset” during upcoming assemblies.
When it was her turn to speak, Dykers Koenig recalled churches in rural communities where she and her husband served years ago. “I kind of like meetings,” she said, which made her colleagues smile. “I like people getting together and making important decisions.”
“Thank you for being such wonderful colleagues and friends,” she said. “It’s a tremendous blessing to me.”
In a prayer that wrapped up the occasion, Cargal thanked God for calling “special individuals to certain tasks. Thank you for Tricia and for her service to this Church. We thank you she has used the gifts you gave her so effectively.”
“We pray we too will bring the best of ourselves to this work, for we are serving justice in this world, and not ourselves. In the name of Christ we pray, amen.”
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Tags: covenant network of presbyterians, Flor Vélez-Díaz, general assembly parliamentarian, jake souder, kate trigger duffert, kerry rice, mid council ministries, rev jihyun oh, rev. dr. j. herbert nelson ii, rev. dr. john wilkinson, rev. dr. tim cargal, rev. liza hendricks, Rev. Manuel Silva-Esterrich, rev. mark koenig, rev. tricia dykers-koenig, rick jones, Valerie Izumi