Reflections on the celebration of the life of Dr. Katie Geneva Cannon

We honor the life of a sister, aunt, friend and educator

October 8, 2018

Dr. Katie Geneva Cannon delivering the keynote lecture at the 2017 Women in Ministry Conference at Princeton Theological Seminary. (Courtesy of Princeton Theological Seminary)

There was something that felt perfectly right about the celebration of life of the Rev. Dr. Katie Geneva Cannon at Bethpage United Presbyterian Church on Aug. 14 in Concord, North Carolina. First, there was the community that gathered. It was like a reunion of reunions for African-American Presbyterians and many others. We gathered, greeted each other, sang, praised God, read Scripture, remembered, celebrated and renewed our faith, even at a time of death of a beloved sister, aunt, friend and educator.

Dr. Diane Moffett, executive director and president of the Presbyterian Mission Agency, announced that a fund at the Presbyterian Mission Agency will provide scholarships for women of color to attend leadership development events. She asked for donations in honor of Dr. Cannon, so that her name and legacy will continue. Those wishing to donate toward the fund should click here to donate online or include #E049991 on your check to designate the donation.

Dr. Brian Blount, president of Union Presbyterian Seminary in Richmond, Virginia, suggested that we have lost a boundary breaker, a prophet, an educator and a friend.

Dr. James Thomas said that people asked regarding Jesus, “‘Can anything good come out of Nazareth?’ And some may ponder, ‘Can anything good come out of Kannapolis?’

“And the resounding answer is yes!” Dr. Cannon was reared in Kannapolis, North Carolina. Read more here.

Though filled with faith and hope for the resurrection to eternal life, it was difficult for the Cannon family to imagine a world without Katie Cannon in it. Dr. Cannon’s sister, Sara Elizabeth Cannon-Fleming, named the many sisters, brothers, nieces, nephews and cousins in their large family. She said, “You have spoken of the Rev. Dr. Katie Geneva Cannon, but to me, she was my sister Katie.”

Education was a high priority for the Cannons. Cannon-Fleming shared about a relative many years ago who almost lost her finger, simply because she could write. Another high value was being kind to others and being respectful of other people.

Despite Dr. Cannon’s academic achievements and educational ministry in the U.S. and around the world, those present were reminded, through many reflections of her life, that “Katie remained true to herself.”

Poet Alice Walker sent a remembrance, which was read by Dr. Suzan Johnson Cook. Walker wrote, “We were on the same ship. We landed at the same time.” Walker joined Cannon in Richmond earlier this year at the inauguration of the Center for Womanist Leadership at Union Presbyterian Seminary, an embodiment of Cannon’s lifelong work and ministry, unapologetically making visible the bodies, souls and minds of women of color.

Her legacy continues through her family, books, articles and sermons, and through the many students, clergy and church leaders whose lives Dr. Cannon touched.

 Rhashell Hunter, Director, Racial Equity and Women’s Intercultural Ministries, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

Today’s Focus:  Life of Dr. Katie Geneva Cannon

 Let us join in prayer for: 

PC(USA) Agencies’ Staff

Ruth Adams, BOP
Claire Anastase, BOP

Let us pray:

Holy God, guide us as we seek to do your will in a world of dizzying change. Help us to be transformed by your steadfast love that never changes. Shift our focus outward into our communities so we might share your amazing grace so that others can also be transformed. Amen.

Daily Readings

Morning Psalms 5; 145
First Reading Hosea 6:7-7:7
Second Reading Acts 22:30-23:11
Gospel Reading Luke 6:39-49
Evening Psalms 82; 29

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