Hombres Presbiterianos Hispano Latinos helps men understand role in church

Seminars, workshops and conferences are offered

October 15, 2018

“That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.” —2 Timothy 3:17

This organization Hombres Presbiterianos Hispanos Latinos (HPHL) has served Hispanic Latino Presbyterian men for more than 13 years. The organization seeks to act as an instrument of reconciliation between God and men. HPHL’s purpose is to assist and encourage Hispanic Presbyterian men to accept and proclaim the love of Jesus Christ and to offer spiritual formation through prayer and Bible studies so men can understand their role in our church. HPHL also hosts seminars, conferences and workshops that encourage Hispanic Latino men to get to know each other and to help empower them to discover their spiritual gifts so they can bring the Good News to their communities.

Video URL: https://www.facebook.com/rafael.viana.18/videos/1736968949713089/

Stephanie Vasquez, Associate for Translations/Spanish, Presbyterian Mission Agency, Office of the General Assembly

Today’s Focus:  Hombres Presbiterianos Hispano Latinos

 Let us join in prayer for: 

Hombres Presbiterianos Hispano Latinos

Rev. Jorge Abdala
Jose Rodriguez
Rev. Julio Ramirez-Eve
Abel McBride
Alfredo Miranda
Jesus Gallegos-Blanco
Pablo Morataya
Milton Nunes
Rafael Viana

PC(USA) Agencies’ Staff

Zenia Baker, FDN
Rebecca Barnes, PMA

Let us pray:

Lord, you are an awesome God and with you all things are possible. You are faithful in all things and your promises endure forever. You are gracious and there is no limit to your unsurpassed power. You are the King of kings, the one who conquered death and is seated in the heavenly places. Please give us the wisdom to recognize you in every way. Direct us to love you with all our hearts, souls and minds. Grant us the grace to see thy truth and inspire us with the spirit of joy and gladness so we may never cease to sing your praise. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen!

Rev. Jorge Abdala

Daily Readings

Morning Psalms 135; 145
First Reading Hosea 11:12-12:1
Second Reading Acts 26:1-23
Gospel Reading Luke 8:26-39
Evening Psalms 97; 112

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