The Rev. Brady Radford discusses transitional ministry on ‘Leading Theologically’
November 22, 2024

The Rev. Brady Radford is a guest on “Leading Theologically.”
Pastors receiving training from the PC(USA)’s Transitional Ministry Education Consortium learn one thing from the get-go: All ministry is transitional ministry.
“Those people who join us for transitional ministry training are not only navigating churches who are between pastoral leaders, but also called pastoral leaders who might consider having a week to think about the varied implications for navigating congregations through seasons of transition,” the Rev. Brady Radford, a pastor, counselor, coach and consultant from Atlanta, said during a recent edition of “Leading Theologically.”
“We’re really inviting participants and faculty leaders to a deep and fulfilling conversation about serving the church in times of transition,” Radford told the host of “Leading Theologically,” the Rev. Bill Davis, senior director for Theological Education Funds Development at the Presbyterian Foundation. “We help leaders hold non-anxious space in the midst of transitional seasons.”
“In as much as all ministry is transitional ministry, it’s important for us to know we are beyond the days of ‘set it and forget it,’” Radford said. “Carbon copy or cookie cutter plans and programs are not as likely to be effective today. … Our congregations and our members have access to so much information that it’s far bigger than having a singular vision or a singular program to invite people to plug into. It really becomes somewhat of a balancing act that requires quite a bit of tending, and the language of ‘tending’ looks at how we are paying attention to the contours of what’s changing.”
Among the changes are around people dynamics and resources, including church properties. “Buildings are going to become a huge conversation for most of our ministries in major cities over the next five to 10 years, and maybe sooner than that,” Radford said.
Before coming to the Presbyterian Foundation, Davis was an intentional transitional pastor of two Denver-area congregations that were merging. “Part of what I want to name is there are definite intentional times where we as pastors can invite congregations to think intently about the things that they need to let go of in order to move forward faithfully, whether that’s through a merger or through redefining ministry,” Davis said. “I know our denomination has plenty of great programs that invite us to consider how to do that faithfully.”
Radford said many churches are “answering the question of who we are and how do we faithfully live into the call to be new and to be different in this day and age.” At the heart of that faithfulness is the tradition to be “the church Reformed, always reforming.”
“We say that, but how do we live it into existence?” Radford asked. “Even if it means praising God and thanking God for what has been in this location and time, as we follow God faithfully into the next iteration of ministry that comes forth — whether it be through merger or the ending of a congregation and the seeding of a new worshiping community or congregation — I think there are many ways to be faithful during ministries of transition.”
Davis concluded the conversation by asking Radford about the best thing he’s heard recently. Radford cited a clip of the late Myles Munroe, a Bahamian minister and preacher. During this brief clip, Munroe discusses the jawbone of the donkey Samson used to kill a thousand Philistines. “At some point,” Radford said, quoting Munroe, “Samson put the tool down. He discarded the thing that had worked so well,” an act that gives us “fresh insight into what can become a hindrance for some of us in ministry. We love to set it and forget it. We love to find good tools, and if it’s worked, we assume it will always work.”
“After the season is up, it may be time for us to set some of those tools aside. It’s a level of maturity and dexterity,” Radford said. “There are ways of ministry that have worked well for us, but there might also be some forms of ministry — some resources for ministry — that it’s time to say, ‘Thank you, Lord, for this gift, this tool,’ and to put it down as we open our hands and allow what’s meant to come next to emerge.”
Mike Ferguson, Editor, Presbyterian News Service
Daily Readings
Today’s Focus: Rev. Brady Radford discusses transitional ministry on ‘Leading Theologically’
Let us join in prayer for:
PC(USA) Agencies’ Staff
Angielee Acevedo, Lead Housekeeper, Stony Point Center, Presbyterian Mission Agency
Mark Adams and Miriam Maldonado, Mission co-workers serving on the Mexico/US Border, World Mission, Presbyterian Mission Agency
Let us pray
Lord, we give you thanks for ideas shared, ministries birthed, and communities developed by which we may participate in your kingdom’s work and experience bearing fruit and growling in our knowledge of you. Amen.
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