Bible Reading Marathon seeks to read entire Bible January 1-4
by Tammy Warren | Presbyterian News Service

LOUISVILLE – Many people make a new year’s resolution to read through the Bible, but one Louisville area Presbyterian pastor is joining a statewide effort in Kentucky to read the scriptures aloud, continuously and in an uninterrupted flow—Genesis to Revelation—in less than four days.
January 1 to January 4, more than 30,000 people across Kentucky are expected to take part in a simultaneous marathon reading of the Bible in just 90 hours.
“Our heart’s desire is to have concurrent Bible reading in progress in all 120 counties in Kentucky,” says the Rev. Al Earley, pastor of LaGrange Presbyterian Church and president of the Oldham County Ministerial Association. Earley is coordinating Oldham County’s involvement in the Kentucky 120 United Bible Reading Marathon, sponsored by Kentucky Prayer Focus, a nonprofit ecumenical group of pastors and leaders united in prayer and fellowship statewide.
“I attended a prayer meeting in Frankfort, Kentucky, recently” Earley says. “There were 75 people there: black, white, young, old, mainline, Pentecostal, clergy and lay people. It was one of the most diverse gatherings of Christians in a long time in Kentucky. They represented hundreds, if not thousands of Christians from all over the state.”

Pastor Al Earley. (Photo provided)
Earley announced the Bible Reading Marathon event to his small congregation last Sunday and completely filled the first three-hour watch, plus part of a second watch for people who prefer to read during the day.
“We have 30 three-hour watches to fill,” Earley says. “We are reaching out to find Bible study groups and groups from other Christian churches willing to recruit six to 12 readers to adopt a watch.
In Oldham County, Earley says, the daytime readings, 6 a.m. to 6 p.m., will take place in the gazebo at Courthouse Square in LaGrange. At other times, readers will gather at churches countywide to take turns reading in 15- to 30-minute increments. And, when they are not reading, participants will be lifting up the needs of the community, commonwealth and country in prayer.
LaGrange Presbyterian is coordinating all needed materials for the readings in Oldham County, including a public address system, large print Bible, a place to get in out of the cold, refreshments and Bibles to give away, along with information to distribute to curious passers-by.
Earley says it’s interesting to note that the number of counties in Kentucky is approximately the same as the number of believers in the upper room at Pentecost (Acts 1:15). He is certain that God is calling all believers to a spiritual awakening in our nation and world. “May the Lord move mightily county by county,” he says. “And if Kentucky can do this, other states can too.”
For more information on adopting a three-hour watch in Oldham County, Kentucky, contact the Rev. Al Earley, LaGrange Presbyterian Church, at or 502-303-3622.
For statewide details on the Bible Reading Marathon in Kentucky, including information on counties that still need coverage, contact the Rev. Mark Harrell, senior pastor, Victory Christian Fellowship at
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Categories: Presbyterian News Service
Tags: bible, kentucky, lagrange, marathon, presbyterian, reading
Ministries: Theology, Formation & Evangelism