The Presbyterian Youth Triennium is currently accepting application for the 2019 production team. The ecumenical gathering for high school aged students and accompanying adults is organized by the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A) and Cumberland Presbyterian Church.
From its opening call to worship to its closing benediction and commissioning, the 2016 Presbyterian Youth Triennium — themed “GO!” — was intentionally designed to send young people out to change the world.
Families and community members on St. Lawrence Island will be eating bowhead whale this week after a local hunter caught Gambell’s second whale of the season Monday night.
A recent research release from the Barna Group suggests parents and youth ministry leaders have differing views on the goals of youth ministry. The report, “Pastors and Parents Differ on Youth Ministry Goals” is derived from the comprehensive “State of Youth Ministry” study released last November in cooperation with youth ministry resource organizations Youth Specialties and YouthWorks.
The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), A Corporation, has teamed with the Insurance Board and Praesidium to help PC(USA) church councils and members of churches prevent child sexual abuse. The partnership has launched a toll-free Abuse Prevention Helpline (866-607-SAFE) to provide assistance to church councils and church families in their efforts to keep predators away from children
El presidente de la Escuela Presbiteriana Panamericana, Doug Dalglish, recuerda el viaje que hizo en el 2016 al Seminario Teológico Presbiteriano de Austin, cuando experimentó de nuevo cómo la escuela, a la cual sirve, prepara a jóvenes líderes cristianos (9no a 12vo grado) para todo el mundo.
Presbyterian Pan American School president Doug Dalglish remembers a trip he took in 2016 to Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary—when he experienced again how the school he serves is preparing young Christian leaders (grades 9-12) for the whole world.
Journey to the Cross, the annual devotional series for Lent, will return to the daily devotional website, d365—devotionals 365 days a year—beginning Ash Wednesday, March 1.
Westminster John Knox Press (WJK) will release the first in a brand new line of children’s books this May. Who Counts? 100 Sheep, 10 Coins, and 2 Sons by Amy-Jill Levine and Sandy Eisenberg Sasso is a creative retelling of three popular Jesus parables: the lost sheep, the lost coin and the prodigal son.
Keeping Faith, the video newsletter from Tony De La Rosa, Interim Executive Director of the Presbyterian Mission Agency, is now available for viewing. In this February edition, De La Rosa highlights Presbyterian World Mission (PWM), which celebrates 180 years of life-changing work this year.