Presbyterians Today

Kentucky church keeps on praying

Wisdom. That’s one of the things the Rev. Jacob Duché prayed for at the first Continental Congress in 1774—wisdom in forming a nation. Prayers for wisdom and unity continue in the United States on the National Day of Prayer.

Go Figure: What Presbyterians agree are the key concepts of faith

Overwhelmingly, Presbyterians who participated in a summer 2016 Presbyterian Panel survey agreed that the concept of God’s grace means that God loves everyone, no matter who they are or what they do. This is an important finding, because even though Presbyterians may disagree on immigration policies or how we engage in social welfare, or even on what constitutes racism or sexism or any other “ism,” we agree on this: God’s love is available to everyone. No matter what.

Unglued Church: Resurrection or resuscitation?

If you go to a church that follows the Revised Common Lectionary, you may have heard (or preached) a sermon last Sunday based upon the story of Mary, Martha and their brother Lazarus (John 11:1-44). Jesus’ raising of Lazarus from the dead is the last of John’s seven narrated “signs” of Jesus, all of which point to his identity as Messiah and lead people to believe in him.

A witness to resurrection hope

While violence and fear continue to pervade war-torn Syria, Presbyterians across the United States are helping those displaced by the conflict rebuild their lives. Thanks to previous gifts given to One Great Hour of Sharing, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) has been able to respond quickly to the refugee crisis.