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Presbyterians Today
Pastors, sessions, ruling and teaching elders… who is supposed to run the congregation? How do churches handle and resolve conflicts?
When tornadoes tore through South Carolina, church members quickly mobilized and launched a massive community cleanup effort.
Economically, Alaska was struggling before COVID-19; now community outreach is more important than ever to help people in need.
The physical distancing and isolation occasioned by COVID-19 has taken a heavy toll on churches. They must name their grief, mourn their losses and strive to find hope.
Even in the midst of suffering, God reminds us of his promise of love and faithfulness, encouraging us to have hope in the glory to come.
We are called to discern and embrace Christ’s call to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with our God.
Congregations that participate in all four special offerings are strongly committed to mission and ministry to their community and the world.
Christian educators and congregations are looking at creative, new approaches to Vacation Bible School for a COVID-19 world.
Just as most of our days are lived between the big events, so the church year is filled with more ordinary days than holidays.
Times of disruption and upheaval present an opportunity to seek the Spirit’s help to turn our feelings and responses into a spiritual practice.