Special Offerings

Help is needed after back-to-back hurricanes in Central America

One major hurricane is a lot for any community to take in a year or even a decade. This week, the Rev. Edwin González-Castillo, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance’s (PDA) Associate for Disaster Response in Latin America and the Caribbean, is working to respond to nations struck by two major hurricanes in as many weeks.

Hunger and Homelessness Sunday is this weekend

As the nation continues to grapple with the health and financial repercussions of COVID-19, Presbyterians are being encouraged to observe Hunger and Homelessness Sunday this weekend.

Pumpkins for peacemaking

While Sunday morning worship and congregational fellowship, not to mention Circleville’s annual Pumpkin Show — in that priority order, of course — would normally have brought the members of Circleville Presbyterian Church together this fall, these are strange times.

Tippecanoe Presbyterian Church soothes hungry hearts

After shutting down its building earlier this year due to the pandemic, Tippecanoe Presbyterian Church in Milwaukee was faced with a dilemma — how to keep providing food intervention and support for the hungry.

Christmas Joy Offering

Gifts to the Christmas Joy Offering, one of the PC(USA)’s four annual special offerings, helps people in financial need through grants and assistance.

Doubling the giving by working together

Two California worshiping communities collaborated to support a family farm and two beehives via the Presbyterian Giving Catalog.

Children can be part of giving

When I was a child growing up in the United Methodist Church, I remember that my parents once got a little cardboard folder to put quarters in. Although I don’t remember whether you were supposed to put the quarters in every day or every week — or even what the project was for — it really made an impression on me that kids could be a part of giving.

Cultivating generosity across generations

With nearly all of her trips to see family and friends temporarily on hold during the pandemic, Lucy Janjigian simply lets her fingers — and her imagination — do the walking, straight through every colorful page of the Presbyterian Giving Catalog.