Special Offerings

Called to teach

Teaching has always been in Valerie Neubauer’s genes. The retired high school Spanish and English teacher — who has also taught Sunday school for more than 50 years at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Cedar Rapids, Iowa — took a mere few years off from teaching at church only when her own children were high schoolers.

Not even a pandemic can slow down this 60-member church

When it came time to minister to the families of recent asylees from Central America, it turns out a global pandemic was no match for the 60 or so members and friends of Beechmont Presbyterian Church in Louisville, Kentucky.

The promise of abundant life

Presbyterians’ generosity to the One Great Hour of Sharing special offering gives the gift of abundant life to people in need.

La Promesa de Vida Abundante

[English] [한국어] Una Gran Hora para Compartir Por Emily Enders Odom | Presbyterians Today En un mundo cada vez más interconectado, nunca la esperanza ha parecido tan cercana y, sin… Read more »

풍요로운 삶에 대한 약속

[English] [Español] 위대한 나눔의 실천 특별헌금 에밀리 엔더스 오돔 I 프레스비테리언스 투데이 세상이 점점 더 가까이 연결되면서 희망 또한 더욱 가까이 있는 것처럼 보인다. 하지만 파올라 M.에게 희망은 그저 저… Read more »

‘You cannot love if your heart is not soft’

Alla Soroka is a 2017 International Peacemaker living and working in Odessa, Ukraine. She’s clearly devoted to her work with at-risk teenagers — even those who are beyond being considered at-risk and are incarcerated.

How your One Great Hour of Sharing gifts are used

As the One Great Hour of Sharing campaign for 2022 enters its home stretch, the special offering’s beneficiary ministries presented a webinar Tuesday highlighting one of its partners in Africa.

Tales from two cities

For their guest on Monday’s edition of Between Two Pulpits, Dr. Bill McConnell and Lynne Foreman engaged the Rev. Jimmie Hawkins, someone with one foot solidly in each of two ministries.