Racial Justice

Jesus among the Navajos

It is Easter morning and members of Del Muerto Presbyterian Church assemble around a roaring fire. They gather close to the edge of Canyon de Chelly in northeastern Arizona — an ancient home of the Anasazi Indians and a historic hideout for Navajos resisting Spanish and American invaders. The morning gathering is the culmination of “SingSpiration,” the congregation’s three-day tent revival, which has been so successful that they ran out of mutton stew at Saturday’s lunch.

Former Co-Moderator Denise Anderson joins Presbyterian Mission Agency

Denise Anderson, Co-Moderator of the 222nd General Assembly (2016) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), has accepted a new position with the Presbyterian Mission Agency. Anderson has been called as the new coordinator for racial and intercultural justice, working in connection with the agency’s Compassion, Peace & Justice and Racial Equity & Women’s Intercultural Ministries.

What the General Assembly may say about St. Louis

The city of St. Louis is the historic centerpiece of a highly accomplished cultural and economic region. At the same time, like most of the United States, it is divided along lines of race and class. How do Presbyterian congregations minister and do mission faithfully in light of these realities? What can our larger church learn from our sisters and brothers in St. Louis?

La IP (EE. UU.) necesita equidad de género

La campaña electoral presidencial del 2016 planteo cuestiones que perturbaban a muchas mujeres. Los criterios de aptitud de una mujer candidata para el cargo de presidente, como comentarios sobre la ropa que llevaba, por ejemplo, eran normas aparentemente no impuestas a los candidatos masculinos en la contienda. Los comentarios que rodean los cuerpos de las mujeres también eran alarmantes. Estas conversaciones llevaron hasta una especie de trastorno de estrés postraumático (TEPT) para algunas mujeres, ya que ellas mismas han experimentado acoso sexual y discriminación.

The PC(USA) needs gender equity

The 2016 presidential electoral campaign brought up issues that were disturbing to many women. The criteria for fitness of the woman candidate for the office of president, such as comments about the clothes she wore, for example, were standards seemingly not imposed on male candidates in the race. The comments surrounding women’s bodies were also alarming. These conversations brought up a sort of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) for some women, as they themselves have experienced sexual harassment and discrimination.

223rd General Assembly: The Spirit at work in St. Louis

If the apostle Paul had to cite an example of his words spoken to the Romans — “We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit intercedes for us through wordless groans” — all he would have to do was point to St. Louis on a map.