Presbyterian News Service

First woman installed as senior minister of Presbyterian congregation

The Rev. Huong Dang, best known as “Cedar,” was installed this past Sunday as pastor of the Vietnamese Presbyterian Church (VPC) in Garden Grove, California. She is the first woman to be installed as senior minister of a Vietnamese-language congregation in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

Presbytery of Philadelphia celebrates 300th anniversary

The Presbytery of Philadelphia is celebrating its 300th anniversary in 2017 with an ambitious goal: raising $300,000 to invest in community projects and outreach. The presbytery is also observing the milestone with an October 7 worship event and a commemorative devotional, “300 Days for 300 Years,” as it strives to be a “people born in faith, rooted in grace and answer God’s call in Jesus Christ to live into hope.”

PC(USA) launches Abuse Prevention Helpline

The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), A Corporation, has teamed with the Insurance Board and Praesidium to help PC(USA) church councils and members of churches prevent child sexual abuse. The partnership has launched a toll-free Abuse Prevention Helpline (866-607-SAFE) to provide assistance to church councils and church families in their efforts to keep predators away from children

Brain of an artist, heart of a pastor

Lisle Gwynn Garrity has the ‘great privilege’ of being both an artist and a minister. In her work as founder and creative director of Sanctified Art, Gwynn Garrity leads art retreats and does live paintings during worship at congregations around the country.

Agencia Presbiteriana de Misión presenta la donación DREAM de $ 10,000 al SEPR

Un cheque para la Beca DREAM de $ 10,000 fue presentado al Sínodo de Boriquen en Puerto Rico para mejorar las tecnologías de aprendizaje a distancia en el Seminario Evangélico de Puerto Rico (SEPR). Tony De La Rosa, Director Ejecutivo Interino de la Agencia Presbiteriana de la Misión, ofreció el cheque a la Presidenta del SEPR, Dra. Doris J. García Rivera, durante la sesión plenaria de la tarde en la reunión de la Junta de la Agencia Presbiteriana de Misión (PMAB).

Embracing diversity builds strong community in San Juan

A trilogy of ordinary people is creating some extraordinary results in a San Juan neighborhood. This was beautifully illustrated by three special guests of the World Mission Competencies in Domestic Ministry ministerial team during the Presbyterian Mission Agency Board meeting in San Juan last week.

Presbyterian Mission Agency concludes spring 2017 meeting

The Presbyterian Mission Agency Board concluded its spring 2017 meeting today, looking ahead to further discussion on the structure of the board and its relationship to findings and recommendations of the Way Forward Commission.