Presbyterian News Service

Heartland Presbytery members put faith into action to serve community

October 22nd couldn’t have been a more beautiful morning. Hundreds of individuals and families from around the Kansas City Metro woke up and instead of putting on their Sunday best, they dressed in work clothes, boots, and gloves; gathered rakes, scissors, knitting needles, and casserole dishes; and drove to church to worship in, well, a different way.

Junta de Pensiones Presbiteriana no recolectara cuotas de beneficios en Puerto Rico

La Junta de Pensiones de la Iglesia Presbiteriana (EE.UU.) anunció hoy que no recolectara cuotas para el plan de beneficios en los tres presbiterios y sus iglesias en Puerto Rico. Por ahora, el período de exención se aplica a las cuotas adeudadas desde septiembre hasta diciembre del 2017 y se volverá a evaluar al culminar el año.

Gnadinger begins service as Carroll University president

Having spent her career at church-affiliated colleges, Cindy Gnadinger is ready for a new challenge as president of Carroll University in Waukesha, Wisconsin. She becomes the first woman to fill the president’s post at the school, which is one of seven Presbyterian-related institutions in covenant with the Synod of Lakes and Prairies.

Presbyterian Board of Pensions waives benefits dues in Puerto Rico

The Board of Pensions of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) announced today it is waiving benefits plan dues for the three presbyteries and their churches in Puerto Rico. For now, the waiver period applies to dues owed September through December 2017 and will be reassessed at the close of the year.