Peace & Justice

From resiliency to water issues, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance discusses challenges

National Response Team Annual Meeting Concludes after Full Agenda The Presbyterian Disaster Assistance National Response Team (NRT) treats every annual meeting like a family reunion. More than 100 volunteers and team members gather each year for training, worship, sharing and, in many cases, laughter. There are no strangers, just a close group of Presbyterians eager to meet and greet, catch up on travels and occasionally rib one another.

8 self-help projects funded

SDOP disburses over $97,000 to Projects across the United States Presbyterian News Service By Margaret Mwale Charleston, S.C. — The Presbyterian Committee on the Self-Development of People (SDOP) has approved grants… Read more »

A congregation makes a commitment to peace

Unity Presbyterian in Denver, North Carolina, has a history of peacemaking engagement, yet the word peacemaking was not always a term understood as connected with the church’s mission. Jay Sloan,… Read more »